Our Collective Worship

Collective worship at The Archbishop’s School reflects the inclusive and aspirational nature of our learning community. It brings and gives life to all we do. Collective worship is a sacred and significant time in each school day. It provides ‘the unique heartbeat of our school’s daily life’ and encourages our whole school community to reflect on what it means to flourish and fulfil our potential in collaboration with God and following the example of Jesus the Good Shepherd. It is designed and delivered in a way that strengthens the Christian Identity of our school, fostering a sense of community and reaffirms our vision and associated values of Compassion, Wisdom, Hope, Perseverance and Forgiveness, which is an essential component of our aspiration to provide an education that enables all to flourish and to ‘live life in all its fulness’ (John 10: 10). Our acts of collective worship reflect the variety of traditions found in the Church of England and recognise and follow the Christian Liturgical year. The daily Christian act of worship is central to our ethos and is supported by all staff and governors. It makes an important contribution to the overall spiritual, moral, social and cultural development of the whole school community.

Our daily collective worship provides opportunities for staff and students to self-reflect, to make connections with others, the wider world and God. We have opportunities to respond to moments of awe and wonder, both planned and spontaneous. Students and staff are challenged to think about their own beliefs and actions and how they impact on others. Staff and students are encouraged to pay attention to their spiritual selves, what feeds it and how it impacts our lives and the decisions we make.

CLICK HERE to read our Collective Worship Policy.