
Headteacher: Mr D Elliott

The Archbishop's SchoolSt Stephen's Hill, Canterbury, CT2 7AP

School office hours are 8:00am-4:00pm daily (term-time only). Calls made to the school outside of these hours will not be answered, but an answerphone facility is available.

Should you leave a message, we will endeavour to answer this as soon as possible.

Please address all enquiries to Mrs Arnold, Senior Business Support to the Headteacher / Events and Marketing Manager. 

If you require a printed version of specific pages of our website, or the website pages in full, please contact 

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Chair of Governors: Mrs K Stoner

Deputy Headteacher: Miss K Moore

Assistant Headteacher - Behaviour and Attendance: Mrs K Brady

Assistant Headteacher - Data, Interventions and Curriculum: Mr R Clarke

Assistant Headteacher - Personal & Professional Development and Sixth Form: Miss S Martin

Assistant Headteacher - Pupil Premium, Aspire and Science: Mrs S Tilstone

Assistant Headteacher - Safeguarding: Mr A Knoupe

Assistant Headteacher and SENCo: Ms C Lidyard

Finance Manager: Ms J Barnet

Head of Sixth Form: Mr W Ball

Sixth Form Student Support Manager: Mrs K Atkins

Head of Year 11: Miss E Richardson

Year 11 Student Support Manager: Mrs S Solly

Head of Year 10: Mrs K Higgins

Year 10 Student Support Manager: Miss L Webb

Head of Year 9: Mr S Giles

Year 9 Student Support Manager: Mrs D Evans

Head of Year 8: Mr N Webb

Year 8 Student Support Manager: Miss R Tracy

Head of Year 7: Mr C Dodson

Year 7 Support Manager: Mrs S Falcon