Primary Transition and Summer School

Year 6 into 7 Transition Arrangements 

All students who have been offered a Year 7 place at The Archbishop’s School are invited into the school for a week in July (transition week) to meet their new tutor and experience a typical school day. Some vulnerable students will visit the school on a number of occasions to allow them to become familiar with key staff.

There will be additional support for students who are likely to struggle with the move to the secondary environment. This may also include students who are coming alone or with very few other students from their primary school. These students will be identified by their primary school and members of our staff will liaise with each primary school to fully understand the needs of these individuals.

Why do we have a transition programme?

Our transition programme is designed to ensure that our new students:

  • will be extremely enthusiastic about starting and feel ‘special’
  • are eager to ask questions
  • are able to air their worries and discuss fears with like-minded children
  • enjoy meeting and getting to know school staff
  • meet current students who have been through the transition process before
  • form friendships within their tutor groups
  • mix with students from different primaries
  • feel a huge confidence boost, especially from frequent visits to the school
  • understand the school site and environment

Transition Week

We held our 2024 transition week from 01 - 05 July 2024.

Our Transition Week date for July 2025 will be updated here in due course. 


“I just wanted to thank you (and everyone involved) for giving “J” such an

amazing week. I have to admit I've been a bit of a nervous wreck. We changed “J’s” school last year and I was worried about another change so soon now that “J” is so happy and settled, but you've made “J” feel so welcome, and “J” has had the best time, and said it feels like home. And thank you to the kitchen for making “J” a gluten free cupcake, it really made “J’s” day! “J” doesn't often get cake, the gluten free ones cost £££. It's reassuring to know “J” will be so well cared for at Archbishop’s and “J” really can't wait to come back in September. Parent - Year 6 student (2024)


"I just wanted to send a quick thank you for the wonderful transition week. The boys loved it and cannot wait to be back 5th September. Thanks to all the staff for making it possible". Parent - Year 6 student (2023)

"May I please take this opportunity to thank the whole team who have supported in the transition process. As you know, (child) was so anxious on Monday morning but by the end of Tuesday (child) had absolutely no worries about starting with you in September. The additional time has been really beneficial for (child) and (child) already feels comfortable at Archbishops, meaning (child) can now look forward to starting in September rather than worrying all holiday. Thank you all so much for the amazing support and time (child) has had with you this week". Parent - Year 6 student (2023)